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Ladybower Reservoir

Ladybower reservoir, in the Upper Derwent Valley close to Sheffield, is a popular peak district attraction. With the attraction of the large body of water surrounded by hills, the area sees many visitors throughout the year, enjoying walks around Ladybower.

An easy-going path heads around the Derwent Valley section of the reservoir. You can follow the round Ladybower walk, cross over the Ashopton Viaduct at the south and pass below the Derwent Dam at the north end of the reservoir. If you prefer, you can extend the walk around the Derwent and Howden reservoirs too.

Ladybower Reservoir Visitor Centre

The visitor centre at Fairholmes is a popular spot and is open year-round serving food and drink and with a small shop and information centre. You can find details of waymarked walks which are colour coded for an easy walk around Ladybower reservoir. You can also buy guidebooks, which detail more challenging walks up onto the hills above the valley.

You’ll not be disappointed by the area if you seek a more adventurous walking challenge. Heading off from the popular visitor centre you can, if you wish, soon find yourself off the beaten track. The Bleaklow, Alport, Derwent and Howden moors are all accessible from Ladybower. You can walk on the moors with birdsong for company, and if you are lucky a curlew hovering above. Whether you enjoy busy picnic sites, moorland solitude or something in-between, you can find something for every walker around Ladybower.

The Dambusters & Fly-Pasts

617 Squadron famously used Ladybower & the Upper Derwent for “The Dambusters” training for Operation Chastise. Commemorative flypasts are an attraction drawing crowds to watch the iconic Avro Lancaster heavy bomber fly low along the valley and over the Derwent Dam at the north end of Ladybower.